Wednesday, January 1, 2014


So two days we bought some fireworks! :) and also I went shopping for my New Years Eve Outfit... Im so excited for the New Year coming up! We're gonna celebrate it with some friends... So it will be much more fun! 2014 you better be nice to me :D

My outfit for today is very casual. I paired this awesome sweater with just simple outfits for this cool weather. I love the print or design on the sweater its very cute. I also love how long it is and oversized. I like wearing oversized sweaters than tight fitting ones. Oversized are a lot more comfortable especially when you ate a lot of food. hihi. Im just wearing my black leggings and my burgundy knee high socks that my friend gave to me.. Actually I asked her to give it to me because I really want it.. hahaha! Im so mean but thanks Karen for being so kind and generous. I love you! :p You see I like going to her closet and just ask or borrow some stuffs. hahahahaha! For my shoes I just used this black books to keep my legs warm from the cool breeze...

Sweater - H&M
leggings - HUE
Socks - Forever 21
Boots - Madden Girl



1 comment:

  1. Lovely outfit girly! and you're adorable [: can't wait to see more from you!
    Would you be interested to follow each other? Do let me know!!

